Supplementary material for Automated Image Analysis of Protein Localization in Budding Yeast -
List of computer-assigned labels for 72 proteins within the punctate_composite category.
ORF Automated localization Confidence
YAL055W mitochondrion 100.00%
YGL203C mitochondrion 100.00%
YML052W mitochondrion 100.00%
YNL006W cytoplasm 100.00%
YOL044W mitochondrion 100.00%
YGL200C ER 99.33%
YHR004C cytoplasm 99.33%
YPL206C mitochondrion 98.00%
YDL091C cytoplasm 97.33%
YBR255W mitochondrion 96.00%
YOR115C mitochondrion 96.00%
YNL173C cytoplasm 94.00%
YGL156W cytoplasm 93.33%
YOL047C mitochondrion 92.67%
YLR423C cytoplasm 90.00%
YOR165W mitochondrion 89.33%
YOR284W mitochondrion 87.33%
YGR166W mitochondrion 86.00%
YNL130C ER 81.33%
YDL222C cytoplasm 78.67%
YDR484W mitochondrion 78.00%
YPL065W mitochondrion 76.67%
YGL180W cytoplasm 76.00%
YDL058W mitochondrion 74.67%
YDR270W cytoplasm 74.00%
YBR052C cell_periphery 71.33%
YOR042W cytoplasm 70.67%
YIL105C cell_periphery 70.00%
YGR198W cell_periphery 68.00%
YIR006C actin 68.00%
YDR150W cell_periphery 66.00%
YPR029C mitochondrion 66.00%
YKL140W mitochondrion 65.33%
YNL084C actin 64.67%
YDR495C endosome 64.00%
YPL004C cell_periphery 64.00%
YCL056C vacuole 63.33%
YER071C mitochondrion 62.67%
YCL001W ER 62.00%
YBL047C cell_periphery 61.33%
YDR022C mitochondrion 61.33%
YJL186W mitochondrion 61.33%
YOL149W cytoplasm 61.33%
YPR149W cell_periphery 61.33%
YGR130C cell_periphery 60.67%
YLR035C-A vacuole 60.00%
YDR032C cell_periphery 58.67%
YDR222W cytoplasm 58.67%
YDL029W cell_periphery 56.67%
YGR086C mitochondrion 56.67%
YDR373W late_Golgi 56.00%
YPR049C cytoplasm 56.00%
YDL019C cell_periphery 55.33%
YDR170W-A nucleolus 54.00%
YFL036W cytoplasm 54.00%
YJL178C cytoplasm 54.00%
YDR357C vacuole 53.33%
YAR044W endosome 52.67%
YML071C mitochondrion 52.67%
YNL243W actin 52.67%
YHR136C cytoplasm 50.67%
YOL082W spindle_pole 50.00%
YKR020W mitochondrion 47.33%
YDR517W actin 46.00%
YPR148C vacuole 46.00%
YEL005C bud_neck 44.00%
YMR031C cell_periphery 40.00%
YEL015W mitochondrion 37.33%
YPL010W mitochondrion 37.33%
YCR061W cytoplasm 36.67%
YAR009C mitochondrion 33.33%
YOR109W cytoplasm 32.67%