-Image Specifications-
These images were originally acquired in TCL format and have been converted
to PNG image format. Each pixel is stored as a 16 bit quantity.
All images in this collection have been processed as follows: 1) The
original three-image stacks have been numerically deconvolved using the
nearest neighbor algorithm. 2) They have been cropped so that there is
one cell per image, and 3) all pixels outside this crop region have been
set to 0. If you need the raw, unprocesssed images for some reason, please
contact us (murphy@cmu.edu).
(1) R. F. Murphy, M. V. Boland and M. Velliste (2000). Towards a
Systematics for Protein Subcellular Location: Quantitative Description
of Protein Localization Patterns and Automated Analysis of Fluorescence
Microscope Images. Proc Int Conf Intell Syst Mol Biol (ISMB 2000) 8:
(2) M. V. Boland and R. F. Murphy (2001). A Neural Network Classifier Capable
of Recognizing the Patterns of all Major Subcellular Structures in Fluorescence
Microscope Images of HeLa Cells. Bioinformatics 17:1213-1223.
(3) E.J.S. Roques and R.F. Murphy (2002). Objective evaluation of differences
in protein subcellular distribution. Traffic 3: 61-65.
-License Information-
All data downloaded from the Murphy Lab web site
(http://murphylab.web.cmu.edu) remain the property of the Murphy Lab. You
are granted a non-exclusive license to use these images for
non-commercial, research purposes, with the following conditions: (a) you
agree to include a reference to paper 2 above when presenting or
publishing your results, (b) you agree to send a copy of any paper or
abstract (upon its acceptance for publication or presentation) by FAX,
email or regular mail to Dr. Murphy, and (c) you agree not to distribute
these images without inclusion of this notice.
Dr. Robert F. Murphy
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
FAX: 412-268-6571
email: murphy@cmu.edu