-Image Specifications- These images conform to the TCL image format. This format is not supported by most image processing software, so to import the images into your particular package, you need to know that they have a 512 byte header and are all 512 by 382 pixels in size (EXCEPT for LAMP2 images 1-37 which are 512 by 512). Each pixel is stored as a 16 bit quantity. All images in this collection have been processed as follows: 1) The original three-image stacks have been numerically deconvolved using the nearest neighbor algorithm. 2) They have been cropped so that there is one cell per image, and 3) all pixels outside this crop region have been set to 0. If you need the raw, unprocesssed images for some reason, please contact us (murphy@cmu.edu). When used for pattern recognition purposes in (1), the five image classes were split as follows for training and testing. Data Set ZIP File Training Images Test Images -------- -------- --------------- ----------- Giantin giant.zip 001-047 048-077 Hoechst hoech.zip 001-039 040-069 LAMP2 lamp2.zip 001-037 038-097 NOP4 nop4.zip 001-025 026-033 Tubulin tubul.zip 001-025 026-051 -References- (1) Boland, M.V., Markey, M.K., and Murphy R.F. 1998. Automated Recognition of Patterns Characteristic of Subcellular Structures in Fluorescence Microscopy Images. Cytometry 33(3):366-375. -License Information- All data downloaded from the Murphy Lab web site (http://murphylab.web.cmu.edu) remain the property of the Murphy Lab. You are granted a non-exclusive license to use these images for non-commercial, research purposes, with the following conditions: (a) you agree to include a reference to the paper cited above when presenting or publishing your results, (b) you agree to send a copy of any paper or abstract (upon its acceptance for publication or presentation) by FAX, email or regular mail to Dr. Murphy, and (c) you agree not to distribute these images without inclusion of this notice. Dr. Robert F. Murphy Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Carnegie Mellon University 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 FAX: 412-268-6571 email: murphy@cmu.edu